The Vulture Lurks

Opinion and attitude. Lots of attitude.

New Tizona Post

Weiner pulls out.

The schadenfreude has been beyond blissful. A creepy libtard is caught flashing his namesake. Caught lying about it. Accused of asking a former prØn star to lie for him.

June 16, 2011 Posted by | asshat, fail, politicians, schadenfreude, Tizona, tool, Wiener Award, WTF | Leave a comment

New Tizona Post

Some guys just never learn. Sean Salisbury. Brett Favre. And now aptly-named Congress-critter Anthony “wanna see my” Weiner.

Read the complete post here.

June 2, 2011 Posted by | Congress, schadenfreude, Tizona, Wiener Award, WTF | Leave a comment

>Justifiable discrimination


Anyone who has read this blog more than about 5 times knows that schadenfreude is one of my favorite things. Forget raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. I want to see despicable people suffer!

And speaking of despicable people, who among us wouldn’t include the TSSA* in that category.

A Seattle area restaurant certainly does.

Fed up with what he views as crappy treatment from the TSA, the owner of a restaurant near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport has decided to put all TSA agents on his No-Eat List.

“We have posted signs on our doors basically saying that they aren’t allowed to come into our business,” one employee tells travel journalist Christopher Elliott. “We have the right to refuse service to anyone.”

She says that whenever a TSA agent attempts to dine at the restaurant, “we turn our backs and completely ignore them, and tell them to leave… Their kind aren’t welcomed in our establishment.”

The restaurant claims that 90% of its patrons are in agreement with their stance and that the local police have actually helped escort TSA workers off the premises.

“Until TSA agents start treating us with the respect and dignity that we deserve, then things will change for them in the private sector,” says the employee.

Is that awesome, or what? “Their kind aren’t welcomed in our establishment.”

Let’s hope more businesses pick up on this and start to do likewise. There’s no one more deserving than the TSSA’s goon squad. No one.

* You can’t abbreviate Schutzstaffel without the double ‘S’
.footnote { color: #575757; font-size: smaller; } .footnoteSuper { font-size: smaller; vertical-align: super; }

February 25, 2011 Posted by | schadenfreude, Schutzstaffel, TSA | Leave a comment

>Dripping with irony


Senator John Kerry Lurch made an appearance this past weekend. The reception he got was the sweetest type of schadenfreude imaginable, and for all of the right reasons.

A loud and angry crowd in Northampton confronted Sen. John Kerry over his support for the war in Afghanistan, the government’s response to the recession and other issues.

Anti-war protesters interrupted Kerry numerous times Saturday as he met with constituents.

OMG, is that the best or what? Mr. Vietnam Veterans against the war. Mr. Winter Soldiers investigation. And he gets heckled for what? Supporting an unpopular war!!!

It just doesn’t get any better than this. Seriously.

February 23, 2011 Posted by | elitists, fail, irony, John Kerry, schadenfreude | Leave a comment

>Speaking of getting fired…


Yesterday I wrote about Steven Screamin’ A. Smith losing his gig as the Fox Sports Radio morning drive host.  Today I wish to write about a different individual losing a different type of job.

The Pharisee reported on Monday that the Caput a Palos, AKA TxBluesMan, AKA Sgt. Gregory Prickett, AKA The Prickette (pictured at left), has left the employ of UNT-Dallas.  It is unknown at this time if he jumped or was pushed.  Regardless of how or why, he is no longer employed by UNT.

I’m an empathetic person at heart, so I have a certain feeling of sadness for the Caput a Palos.  There is nothing more damaging to a man’s self esteem than the loss of his employment.  Most of us feel somewhat defined by our occupation (“I’m a doctor”, or “I’m a lawyer”, or “I’m a glorified mall cop”, for example).

That stated, I have to admit to a certain schadenfruede over the news.  After all, Mr. Bigshot has wrongfully maligned me and blogger friends of mine with the vilest of accusations, and did so under cover of anonymity.  That his cover has been blown and his shady acts of cowardice exposed is a satisfaction ranking right up there with a 49ers Super Bowl victory for me.

When The Prickette was outed, he lashed out against those most prominent in the exposure of his identity by filing a bogus lawsuit against them.  The Pharisee reported on Tuesday that the lawsuit is effectively kaput.  Given that it was strictly an intimidation ploy by The Prickette all along, Hugh has filed a criminal complaint against him.  It seems that in Texas — and pretty much nowhere else — it is a felony crime to engage in Barratry – the act or practice of bringing legal action solely to harass. The complaint also details The Prickette’s harassment of Hugh’s daughter, an innocent bystander in this particular pissing contest.

Hey, if this is a pissing contest, has Hugh succeeded in making it halfway up the 30′ pole (as compared to The Prickette’s measly 2 feet)?  I always suspected that The Prickette was a little…uh…lacking…in the man-plumbing department.

I hear that every time a cop gets fired a member of NWA gets his wings. Could be.  All I know is there’s one less goon out there busting teeth today than there was last week at this time.

December 23, 2010 Posted by | crime, fail, law fetishists, legal issues, Modern Pharisee, NWA was right, schadenfreude, self-important people, The Prickette, tool | Leave a comment

>One and done


It was just over one year ago that the programming geniuses at Fox Sports Radio fired long-time morning host Steve Czaban and crew.  My thoughts on the matter were, shall we say, not positive. 

I simply couldn’t believe that FSR would drop a successful morning drive show and replace it with Steven Screamin’ A. Smith.  It was beyond counter-intuitive to me.  Smith’s act had gotten tired at ESPN, being that it is a one-pony trick: express an opinion, and express it more loudly than those with whom you disagree.  WHY would FSR think that he would succeed as a morning drive host?

Apparently the Screamin’ A. Smith show was…how shall I put this?…somewhat less than successful.

“Zack and Jack” will take over morning drive from 6-9 a.m. on WOFX-AM (980). The show replaces the “Stephen A. Smith Show.” Smith will be moving into the roll of NBA analyst for all of Fox Sports Radio’s shows. Smith’s last show is Dec. 31.

One year. One solitary year. Yeah……’d that work out for you, FSR?

Naturally, Czaban wasn’t exactly crying about this development. And who could blame him? His show ran 7 years at FSR. Seven. Now he’s back on morning drive with Sporting News Radio, which XM has FINALLY added to their lineup, albeit on channel 242, WAAAAAAY out past the traffic report stations.

No matter. The story has a happy ending.

FSR dumped a popular host in search of….what exactly? That lucrative Black urban professional demographic (approximately 1% of the population)?   That lucrative Black urban 18-34 demographic (approximately 4% of the population)?

In return they got one lousy year of Screamin’ A., affiliate cancellations, and yet another lineup change. Meanwhile, Czaban is right back in prime time, better than ever.

Suck on it, FSR.

December 22, 2010 Posted by | fail, incompetence, irony, radio, schadenfreude, Steve Czaban | Leave a comment

>Law (?) and Order (?!?!?!?) – Caput Penitus Culus Edition


I have to admit that when it comes to the legal system I’m a fish out of water.  The terminology.  The prosaic phraseology.  The BS preambles with their legal buzzwords (“hereinafter referred to as The Plaintiff”, “party of the first part”, etc.).  The BS Latin and Latinate words and phrases (“pro se”, “ad litem”, “dominum dictum”, “ex nihilo”, etc.).  Truth is, it’s a foreign world to me.

But there are certain legal concepts I understand completely.  ‘Hot check‘ is one of them.  And ‘hot check’ is the latest development in the sorry case of Mall Cop a Palos v. Bloggers.

When all the legal challenges to bloggers over one being classified as a “Rent-A-Cop” came out, the first place checked was the court records.

Still there today, as you can see in the image below, were the records indicating that an employee of the University of North Texas, a Gregory J. PRICKett, had evidently obtained the services of Natalie Malonis to file and PAY the fees necessary to get the process started.

Go on.

Now that you’ve seen the financial records which started the ball rolling, along with a couple more payments made by Gregory J. PRICKett to keep it headed just where he hopes it will help him the most, let’s move on to the latest under the “Events & Orders of the Court” in those records from the District Civil Court in Texass.

Ooh! Tell me more!

10/27/2010 HOT CHECK
Natalie Malonis, Attorney At Law – Refer to Acct Dept x7260

Oh how the mighty have fallen!  Attorney Natalie Malonis, once a featured “expert” on the Nancy Grace Show, has now been reduced to passing bad checks on behalf of her partner in calumny, Sgt. Gregory Prickett, pictured at top, hereinafter referred to as The Prickette, a known hostis humani generis (you like that, pretend lawyer asshole?).

I don’t need to remind you of the enmity I (and frankly, all people possessed of human decency) have toward the foul pretend lawyer behind Coram Non Judice, ah, excuse me, Caput Penitus Culus.  That he and his particeps criminis, Ms. Malonis, have been exposed and put in a position where they are on the defensive is extraordinarily gratifying.  That Ms. Malonis is reduced to passing bad checks in the shadow of accusations that she “misappropriated” child support payments intended for a client is absolutely….priceless.

By their fruits ye shall know them.  I smell rotten apples.  And Noxzema.  And mall cop.

October 30, 2010 Posted by | amusing, blogs, F'ing lawyers, law fetishists, legal issues, schadenfreude, The Prickette | Leave a comment



The Modern Pharisee has done it!  He not only unmasked the execrable Ron in Houston but now he’s hit the ultimate target – the Caput a Palos himself!

Via Free the FLDS Children, Bill Medvecky’s excellent blog:

Hugh McBryde has flushed TBM out of the woodwork, the cockroach is a rent-a-cop for the University of North Texas (UNT).

His name is Greg Prickett (What a surprise), and he and Natalie have been running around erasing all the e-mails and incriminating evidence (Also illegal) they can locate to try to thwart the on-going investigation of their criminal State and Federal violations of Law.

I REALLY wanted to keep the knowledge of his discovery quiet until the investigations were complete, but sadly, he was called by an over-zealous investigator of ours prematurely. Since the cat is now out of the bag, he’ll be happy to know that we’ve already stockpiled all the e mails and correspondence between himself, Natalie, The Banana, Lover boy and Wisan needed, and those we don’t have, can’t be erased from the net anyway.

He reports that he walks around with a gun. Be careful Greg, you don’t want to shoot your Prickett off before we send your ass to prison.

I can hardly contain my joy at the thought that this flaming asshole has finally been outed!

THIS is the guy who called ME a wannabe lawyer?  Who mocked ME for being “just a programmer”?  Who accused ME of being a pedophile?  THIS hayseed POS?  This clown who put the “prick” in “Prickett”?

He’s not only NOT a lawyer, he’s not even a REAL law-enforcement officer.  His job is one step above Mall Cop.  Worse yet, he’s the kind of nightmare cop Will Grigg writes about.

Wait.  It gets better.  From the comments of the referenced Medvecky post, an open letter to the Prick’s employer:

Dear Mr. Price,

It is my understanding that you employ Mr. Prickett as your Chief of Security.

In view of the findings of the Appeals Court concerning his involvement in the assault of a student of the school a few years ago, I can honestly say I don’t understand the University’s continued support of this person, but that is not the main purpose of this letter.

I am here to address Mr. Prickett’s blatant use of the University’s name and his position with it, as well as his use of the Universities computers to repeatedly violate the Privacy Act with regards to HIPPA Laws, both State and Federal.

Mr. Prickett authors a site on the web entitled “Coram Non Judice”. He fancies himself a legal expert and, with the assistance of a rogue Attorney named Natalie Malonis, distributes the private, confidential Medical and Psychological Records of children and adults he opposes on his site as well as on a site entitled “FLDSTexas”.

Further, calling himself “Texas Blue’s Man” Mr. Prickett uses his position and the equipment of the University to disseminate on his and other websites what he pro-ports to be “Child porn”. They are un-redacted pictures of children which he claims are in sexually explicit poses. As you may know, presenting a picture of a child as a sexual object or in a sexual light is illegal and considered child porn even if the child is fully clothed.

In a recent letter of explanation to Wikipedia concerning his conduct, Mr. Prickett self reported that he has now taken to wearing a concealed weapon at all times.

Mr. Prickett is running around your campus and is, frankly, a lit fuse ready to explode at those he fears “Might kill me”.

What you do about Mr. Prickett is up to you, but you HAVE been advised that he is potentially a far greater liability for the University than he was in the case of the student he allowed to be assaulted by Campus Security.

We intend to bring charges against Mr. Prickett for the HIPPA violations and for attempting to portray the children of a religion he does not favor in a sexual light, as well as bringing charges against those who aid and abet him in his perverted goals.

Thank you,

W.J. Medvecky

Is this simply the greatest thing ever? If the 49ers had beaten the Seahawks 49-0 I wouldn’t be as happy as I am right now.  Sweet, sweet, schadenfreude!

Check it out, bigots!  Your champion, your hero, your great legal mind, is nothing but a glorified Mall Cop with a bad attitude and a sociopathic need to throw his weight around.  At least Ron in Houston is almost a lawyer, almost a professor, almost SOMETHING.  The Caput a Palos is a gigantic fraud.  And a colossal pussy; once he caught wind that he had been outed, he marked his execrable blog “private”.

Hey Prickett!  I got yer Coram Non Judice hangin’ RIGHT HERE!


One more thing. I went over to FLDS Texas to see what the bigots had to say about their legal hero (and, let’s be honest, to poke a stick through the bars and laugh at them). Apparently Ron in Houston (if that is, in fact, his site) is every bit the coward that the Mall Cop a Palos is: all of my attempts to post comments were deleted.

September 14, 2010 Posted by | bigotry, blogs, hypocrisy, Modern Pharisee, Pro Libertate, schadenfreude, self-important people, stridency, The Prickette | Leave a comment

>Warren Jeffs freed


The Modern Pharisee messaged me yesterday afternoon with the good news.  His post about it can be found here.  The Salt Lake Tribune (probably grudgingly) wrote:

The Utah Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned polygamist Warren S. Jeffs’ convictions on rape as an accomplice and sent his case back for a new trial, finding there were “serious errors” in instructions given to the jury that deprived Jeffs of a fair hearing.

The justices unanimously ruled 5th District Judge James Shumate erred when he rejected a defense request to instruct jurors that in order to convict they had to find Jeffs knew when he performed a 2001 marriage that unwanted sex would take place and intended for a rape to occur.

Unanimous.  Let me repeat that so that it can sink in.  The decision to vacate Jeffs’ conviction was UNANIMOUS.  Unambiguously unanimous.

The wheels are falling off the witch hunt against the FLDS, it would appear.  Good, says I.  The whole effort on the part of the so-called “Justice” system has been driven by pure, raw bigotry, and nothing more.

It looks like the “Justice” system is running out of ways to persecute the FLDS and has effectively boxed itself into a corner.  Let’s hope this will result in the Texas FLDS men convicted in the aftermath of the YFZ raid being freed as well.

Continuing on the same general theme of the bigots who hate the FLDS.  There was additional good news breaking just today.  Flaming anti-FLDS bigot Ron in Houston (who, I believe, is the proprietor of FLDS Texas, the most virulently bigoted of all of the bigotry blogs) has been outed by the Pharisee.  Only one thing would make me happier: for the Caput a Palos (TxBluesMan) to be outed.

It turns out that self-proclaimed smart guy Ron is a middling lawyer in Houston.  By “middling”, I’m implying that he’s not very good or very reliable.  Keep in mind that this is one of the people who accused me of being “not too bright”. 

Hey Ron!  Sux when you can’t call names and accuse real people of being pedophiles when you can’t hide from the consequences, doesn’t it.


July 28, 2010 Posted by | asshat, bigotry, FLDS, hypocrisy, legal issues, Modern Pharisee, schadenfreude, self-important people, tool | Leave a comment

>More anti-atheist blowback


Buzzfeed, a site where pretty much anything and everything and everyone is mocked (particularly Christians and Tea Party types) really doesn’t play favorites.  Or…….perhaps even people in the “hipster, agnostic, anti-Tea Party” crowd are sick to death of militant atheists.  Either way, this was the result.

Top 10 Reasons Atheists Suck

1. Atheists really enjoy being smarter and more rational than everyone else. Have you noticed that about Atheists? I have.

2. Atheists tend to be haters who don’t believe in anything. You get excited about something cool and they are always all skeptical, asking lots of critical questions, and basically kill the positive energy.

3. They love reading, which is a perfectly good site, but they get all smug about how Reddit is better than other sites. Like is there some rule that if you don’t worship the real God, you have to worship Reddit instead?!? WTF?

4. Atheists love to mock hard working, religious Americans who love their kids, work hard, and go to church.

5. Atheists think they are rational and scientific but isn’t it more rational and open minded to say that God *might* exist? Should real scientists keep an open mind?

6. Atheists are some of the biggest trolls on the Internet. They will probably start trolling me just for writing this post.

7. Have you ever known someone who would rather be right than loved? And eventually you are like, “dude, ok, ok, you are right” but you are also thinking “what an a-hole!” That a-hole is almost certainly an atheist.

8. Atheists are the kind of people who enjoy telling small children that Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny are all fake. Thanks for ruining all the fun, atheist! I guess you think a 5 year old knowing “the truth” is more important than them having a happy childhood.

9. Atheists are selfish. Instead of praising God for good things that happen in their life, they just praise themselves. Like “wow, I really deserved that raise. Praise myself!”

10. They just suck. You don’t even need a reason. It is obvious. Just accept it.

I have to add, so you know where I’m coming from, that most atheists are perfectly normal, likable people.  I have no problem with them.  I have no beef with them.  I’m live-and-let-live.  They’re live-and-let live.  It’s those militant Richard Dawkins wannabe assholes who fit the “type” described in this list.  You know, the people that Vox Day so loves to pillory.

The amazing thing about this list is not the list itself.  It’s that it made Buzzfeed.  Things don’t just end up on Buzzfeed.  They end up there because a sufficient contingent of “hipsters” think it merits the attention.

Being the consummate connoisseur of schadenfreude, I have to opine that the idea of militant atheists being subjected to increasing ridicule warms the cockles of my dark heart.

Now go say 10 “Hail Darwin”‘s and contemplate the total purposelessness of your wretched existance.

July 15, 2010 Posted by | anti-Christianity, God, intollerance, religion, schadenfreude, self-important people, stridency, tool, Vox Day | Leave a comment